Kinesiology can detect food sensitivities and nutrient deficiencies.
Here is how it works:
Food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies cause disease, pain, discomfort, hormone imbalances, poor immunity, low energy, neurological dysfunction, learning difficulties, digestive issues, pathogenic infections, skin problems, visual impairment, degeneration, inflammation, organ & gland dysfunction & more.
Although there are foods that are common to be allergic to or sensitive to (see blog post “A Sticky Substance”), not everyone is biochemically the same and what might be bad for you, might be fine for someone else. There is no universal diet for everyone, however, genetics, blood groups (see blog post “Eat Right for Your Blood Type”, ethnicity, emotions and structure can play an important role.
Kinesiology sees everyone as unique.
Food sensitivities are not the same as allergies. A food allergy is a reaction that happens quickly after a food has been eaten, such as a rash or itching. A food sensitivity is when the energy it takes to digest the food outweighs the energy it gives us after digestion.
Sensitivities occur when you eat too much of a particular food or if there is a lack of digestive enzymes, stomach acid or bile salts. It can also be attached to an emotion, for example, you become sensitive to a food which is associated with a traumatic event, so when you eat that food it triggers a past trauma reaction within your body. Sensitivities have a more delayed response than an allergic reaction. The symptoms of food sensitivities are bloating, joint pain, bad skin, constipation, diarrhoea, mood changes and more. Many sensitivities are hidden and cannot be detected without testing. You say, “how is it a sensitivity if I have no discomfort?” Sometimes, we cannot feel everything that is going on in our body, especially when it is on a cellular level, sometimes we may even feel better when eating a food that we are actually sensitive to, but it is actually causing us a lot of harm on a deeper level, which may not become apparent until years down the line.
Food sensitivities & nutritional deficiencies are found using muscle testing. Muscle testing is not a strength competition. A Kinesiology muscle test is where a Kinesiologist applies very light pressure to the client’s muscle to test its response (see the blog post “What is Kinesiology”). There are 42 different muscle tests and each one reveals a lot of information about the client’s health. There are times when we use muscles associated with certain ailments or organs but we often use an “indicator muscle.” An indicator muscle is one that appears naturally “strong” but goes “weak” when there is a negative stimulus introduced to the testing. A more accurate definition is a muscle that is “switched on,” or, “locked” and “switched off” or “unlocked" as we are not testing strength. However, these terms are often used synonymously.
A Kinesiologist finds an indicator muscle.
A Kinesiologist places an item of food within your electromagnetic field, ideally by the jaw as this is 100X more effective than if it were in your hand. The hand has nothing to do with eating, whereas the mouth does. Some people may place the food near the navel, this is more effective than the hand but less than the jaw.
The problem food makes the indicator muscle switch off. For example, when placing oats on the body and retesting the muscle, it turns from being locked to unlocked. This would suggest that there is a sensitivity to oats but it is possible that oats from one supplier do not unlock the muscle but another does. Not all food is the same, despite the same name, it greatly depends on the manufacturer, the quality and any other ingredients or additives within the food.
We can do further testing to find out if there is a “hidden sensitivity.” This is a sensitivity that is causing harm but is not noticeable on the exterior, or the body has an unhealthy relationship with it, such as an addiction. We can also test if there is an “overload” issue. This is a sensitivity whereby there is too much in the body, and you need to cut down consumption rather than cut it out. There is more information about this advanced testing system in the Kinesiology foundation course.
In this example, we will look at digestive issues.
The quadriceps muscle is associated with the small intestine and therefore digestion. The quadriceps is the big muscle in the upper and frontal part of the leg, between the knee and the hip (There are actually four muscles that make up the quadriceps.) If digestion is a problem, then we can test the quadriceps. If the quadriceps unlock when tested it indicates this is the area that needs addressing further.
We place a portion of food into your electromagnetic field and retest the quadriceps muscle again. If the food is relevant to this ailment it will cause the quadriceps to lock. A Kinesiologist will then strengthen the muscle using Kinesiology techniques, which also strengthens the small intestine and improves digestion.
Once the quadriceps muscles no longer unlock when tested, the Kinesiologist can retest the food. If the food is negatively contributing to your ailment then it will now unlock the quadriceps. If it does not unlock the quadriceps, this actually means the food is beneficial to your digestive system.
When food sensitivity is detected, it is suggested to avoid the food for eight weeks, but not forever, as other therapists and health care providers might suggest. It takes 21 days or three weeks for the food to leave your body pathologically and no longer have any negative effect on you, (this is only when you do not consume any of that food - even in trace amounts). The remaining five weeks are a stage of rest and repair for the digestive system. Using Kinesiology treatments and digestive aids such as enzymes, betaine HCL (see blog post “We Call It Acid”, bile salts, glutamine, probiotics, etc, the body will be able to handle that food again, however, it may be best to not eat it in the same quantity and frequency as before. In fact, you won’t want to when you see the positive change your body has experienced, both physically and psychologically.
A Kinesiologist finds an indicator muscle.
A Kinesiologist touches specific reflexes on the body associated with different nutrients while continually testing the indicator muscle. Certain reflexes will unlock the indicator muscle. This identifies the specific nutrient the body is deficient in, for example, Vitamin E. A Vitamin E deficiency is detected when the indicator muscle unlocks while the Kinesiologist touches a specific area on the right side of the torso, near the armpit.
A Kinesiologist proceeds to place Vitamin E supplements into your electromagnetic field, by placing them at the jaw. The Kinesiologist leaves the supplement on the client’s body and performs the same test - (touching the Vitamin E reflex point while testing the indicator muscle). The indicator muscle will re-lock when the correct Vitamin E that will fix the deficiency most efficiently is in your electromagnetic field.
Perhaps you already knew you had a Vitamin E deficiency from a blood test or you suspected you did due to your symptoms, for example, nerve damage. But taking Vitamin E supplements has not helped previously. This is how Kinesiology will clear this frustration.
During a session, depending on what deficiency was detected by unlocking the indicator muscle, as many as 10 different supplements containing that specific nutrient (sometimes more) could be tested to re-lock the muscle. There may only be one that gives a positive response but there may be more. If there is more, a Kinesiologist can prioritise so that they find the one that is most beneficial. Does a book, the internet, your nutritionist, the YouTuber or the "woman-in-the-health-shop" do that? I doubt it.
This is a good example of how Kinesiology is not guesswork but is using the electrical current of your body to find the root cause and the answers (see the blog post “Kinesiology is Electric and Empowering”).
It is important to know that although you may have had a blood test which revealed no deficiencies, this may not necessarily be true. For each test, there are markers in which your levels have to fall between to be considered ‘normal.’ The gaps between the markers have either decreased or increased over time, depending on how much funding the NHS has. Private healthcare markers generally have a wider range because you are going to be paying for your treatment if something gets picked up. The other problem is that we are all biochemically different and all going through different life events, so we need different levels depending on these factors, for example, a stressful event requires more B Vitamins. Many deficiencies and therefore diseases get missed due to these problems or get misdiagnosed and the wrong treatment can be given. All of this can have catastrophic repercussions. Moreover, blood tests only measure what is in your blood, not what is in your cells, a lot of nutrients are meant to be in your cells, so a blood test is not actually picking up if there is enough in your body at the place it is most needed. (See blog post “What is Causing My Symptoms?”). Furthermore, we may actually have the right amount of nutrients in our blood and our cells, however, due to other physical, emotional and electrical problems your body just does not know what to do with them and so they are not utilised.
Kinesiology bypasses these problems. We also have the ability to prioritise. Although you may be deficient in X, Y and Z, muscle testing might only reveal that you are deficient in X, once we get X sorted, then your body will reveal that you are deficient in Y. Or, sorting out X might have a knock-on effect and that is why your body does not reveal that you need Y and Z. Alternatively, your body may reveal you have a deficiency in X, Y and Z, but when prioritising it shows that X is the priority, so either X will fix Y and Z, or Y and Z need to be addressed another time. That can be confusing, and not what any book or the internet will tell you, it takes a lot of faith in the body’s wisdom to let itself guide the healing process. It can be hard not to want to suggest X, Y and Z when the body is saying, “I only need X, I will handle the rest!” This is another way Kinesiology can save you money!
Kinesiology always works in priority because the body wants to be fixed in a certain order. Fixing in the right order can have a knock-on effect and fix other imbalances, so they never need to be addressed. If the body is not fixed in the right order then the corrections will not last. This also saves time, money and frustration as it is more effective, although it can seem counter-intuitive at the time. One of the hardest parts of Kinesiology is thinking that you know best, when someone comes in with a specific imbalance, automatically I would be drawn to test and suggest how best to approach the treatment. Your body knows best and Kinesiologists have to be led by your body. Sometimes this leads us to places we would not have gone and to make recommendations that we would not have suggested - that is part of what makes it fascinating, unique and more effective.
A Kinesiologist finds a weak muscle that is associated with your ailment, for example, digestive issues. The quadriceps is associated with the small intestine and digestion. We looked at the quadriceps in Food Sensitivities Method 2 (See above).
If the quadriceps unlocks when a Kinesiologist applies gentle pressure to the muscle, it may need a nutritional supplement to lock it or switch it back on.
The Kinesiologist places a variety of supplements, such as Magnesium, Chlorophyll, and Bowel Build in your electromagnetic field until one supplement causes the quadriceps to no longer unlock when the Kinesiologist tests the muscle.
This process identifies what nutrients would be beneficial to your ailment. From the outcome a Kinesiologist can work out what nutrients you are deficient in, for example, Chlorophyll suggests an iron deficiency.
This is less nutrient specific as supplements can contain herbal combinations providing a myriad of nutrients, for example, Bowel Build is rich in Vitamin A, E, C, Zinc and Selenium.
When a nutrient deficiency is detected it is recommended to use a supplement since it would take some drastic lifestyle changes to get the right amount of nutrition in your diet. This may not even be possible to achieve these days, no matter how hard you try, (see the blog post “Why Do I Need to Take Nutritional Supplements When I Have a Good Diet”). However, we would still suggest modifications to your diet if necessary.
No matter which way your nutritional deficiencies are found, buying the exact nutrition that tested out in a Kinesiology session is important. If you were found to have a Vitamin E deficiency, buying any Vitamin E from the shops or the internet might have little to no benefit as it is not the right supplement. There are many different brands that produce Vitamin E - I have at least 7 samples of only Vitamin E in my clinic and about 20+ that contain Vitamin E. Each Vitamin E supplement has different quantities and is sourced from different places. Some only contain part of the Vitamin E complex - there are eight types of Vitamin E to the full Vitamin E spectrum, so if don’t know your Tocopherols from your Tocotrienols then you may not be making any progress. Four of each of these fancy words make up the full complex and you might be getting the wrong one(s)!
The same goes for Magnesium, potentially the number one deficiency in the world, along with Potassium. I could not tell you how many Magnesium samples I have in the clinic but it is a lot! as well as there being eleven different types, all with different purposes. So buying Magnesium blindly is really not a good idea, and if it doesn’t help then you lose faith in natural medicine. But it isn’t the magnesium not working, it is actually just not the right magnesium. If you buy Magnesium Citrate for pain in your foot and end up with diarrhoea and no pain relief then you aren’t going to be happy and you aren’t going to try it again. As with food, not all supplements are the same, despite the same name. Why? Many foods and supplements use synthetic ingredients which cannot be assimilated by the body and are therefore useless. Synthetic ingredients are cheaper and give the illusion of health. Furthermore, a lot of supplements say they contain 'X' but actually have a minimal amount of 'X' and therefore not worth mentioning. Both these issues are more of a sales strategy than a health strategy.
It is possible that the food sensitivity we addressed earlier is only a problem food because you have a nutritional deficiency. A Kinesiologist can find this out:
The Kinesiologist finds an indicator muscle.
The Kinesiologist finds the food sensitivity (see above). The indicator muscle is now unlocked.
The Kinesiologist keeps the food within your electromagnetic field and also places a supplement within your electromagnetic field, eg Proactazyme, a digestive enzyme. This causes the muscle to re-lock, even when the food is still on your body.
This would mean that the food can be tolerated when taken with a supplement but should not be a license to binge on that food.
No matter which method is applied to find the right supplement, that supplement that tests well during a Kinesiology session for the specific issue being treated is left on your body while you receive the treatment. This ‘tags' the supplement to the area being worked on. This means that when you take THIS supplement, the body knows what it is meant to do with it. This is better than blindly taking a supplement because Dr Google or the “Woman-in-the-health-shop” said so because although it is a good choice, the body may not know what to do with it.
This is why it is important to take the actual supplement that tests well for you in a Kinesiology session. For example, you are deficient in Vitamin C (the locked indicator muscle unlocks when touching the area on the body that corresponds with Vitamin C). Cherry C from Cytoplan is the only Vitamin C that re-locks the muscle. Cherry C is a very specific blend of citrus fruits which provide a very specific amount of highly absorbable natural Vitamin C. This will be much more effective than a Vitamin C that you think you may still have at home and/or the Vitamin C from the local supermarket or even the one from the Health Shop that the “woman-in-the-health-shop” said was good. No matter how good or bad that supplement it is, it is not going to do what we want it to do and you won’t get the results. That being said, you will get the benefits of the treatment but it might not be sustained because you are not giving your body what it needs to do so. Therefore it is not a complete treatment and your body may need to compensate for the lack of nutrition in a new way.
Your body is highly intelligent though, it can take a good guess about what it needs to do with whatever you put in. However, it may spread the nutrition too thinly around your body, rather than flooding a specific area. For example, Vitamin C has many therapeutic properties - it is great for immunity, stress and skin. We want your body to benefit in all these areas but if we specifically want it to improve your stress response, then it needs to know to go to your adrenal glands (see blog post “Fight or Flight: Adrenal Glands”). Without the appropriate initial muscle testing to find the deficiency, nutritional testing to find the specific supplement and keeping the supplement that you responded well to on your body while you receive treatment, then the Vitamin C is going to be a jack of all trades - sending itself to everywhere it knows it might be needed. When all the necessary Kinesiology steps described above are applied, it allows the nutrition to concentrate its strength on the issue for which you are being tested and treated. Therefore, plying yourself with supplements that might help could see slow progress, if any, and could even be more detrimental to your condition than good.
Furthermore, the muscle might not switch on to the most obvious supplement. It might need something else to stimulate your body to produce the nutrient you are deficient in. For example, even though you are deficient in Vitamin D, which is an amazing vitamin for the immune system, healing, mood stabilisation, lower back and sleep. You might actually have enough vitamin D in your system or coming in from other sources but you need Bile Salts so you can properly digest and absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin D.
Kinesiology also uses structural (see blog post “Why Don’t I Feel Well”), emotional (see blog post “Emotional Nutrition”) & energetic techniques that stimulate the body to utilise the nutrients you put in & to produce the nutrients you are deficient in. It may be possible that at the beginning of a session, your body indicates that it is deficient in Vitamin D or food sensitivity but when doing a final test after a full Kinesiology session your body no longer shows a deficiency or sensitivity.
After a treatment, it is likely that there will be some suggestions for you to avoid food or add nutritional supplements to set you on your healing path. I’ve found this is most important with a pathogenic infection such as parasites or candida, but also relevant to every other area of health.
It may be hard to introduce new supplements and may not be fun to avoid certain foods, but, nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels.
If you want to know if you have food sensitivities or nutritional deficiencies and want to know what to do about them. Or if you have a specific ailment and want to know what foods or deficiencies could be contributing then why not discover Kinesiology? Book a Kinesiology treatment here. Be warned - I guarantee you will get more out of it than a list of foods to avoid or supplements to take.
Does this sound like something you would like to do or learn more about? We also run courses in Kinesiology. Find out more here.