What problems are associated with the gonads?
Problems in females: lack of menstruation, early menstrual cycles, coarse body hair, early breast development, slow or absent breast growth, hot flushes, loss of body hair, low libido, milky discharge from breasts, polycystic ovaries, fertility issues, early growth spirts, mood swings, acne and a lower voice.
Problems in males: muscle loss or more muscle mass, abnormal breast growth, reduced growth or penis and testicles, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, low libido or increased sex drive, infertility, fatigue, hot flushes, mood swings, acne, a lower voice, difficulty concentrating, testicle and prostate issues.
What are the gonads?
The gonads are the primary reproductive organs in both males and female. The male organs are the testes and female organs are the ovaries.
What do the gonads do?
The gonads are essential for sexual reproduction since they are responsible for the production of sperm and ova. Gonads are also responsible for producing sex hormones required for the development and growth of primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
The major hormones of the ovaries are:
Estrogens – a group of female sex hormones essential for reproduction and the development of the female reproductive system. Estrogens are responsible for maturation and growth of the vagina and uterus, widening of pelvis, breast and the uterus changes during the menstrual cycle, and increasing growth of hairs on the body.
Progesterone – prepares the uterus for conception, regulating changes in the uterus during the menstrual cycle, ovulation aids, and stimulating gland development for the production of milk during pregnancy.
The major hormones of the testes are:
Testosterone – responsible and essential for increased growth of bone and muscle, growth of body hair, developing broader shoulder, voice deepening and growth of the penis.
Androstenedione – act as a precursor to estrogens and testosterone.
Inhibin – inhibit the release of follicle stimulating hormone (see the previous post on the Adrenal Glands) and thought to be involved in sperm cell regulation and development.
What happens when my gonads are not functioning properly?
The gonads can receive messages from the brain but either produce too much or too little sex hormones, or none at all.
Gonadal disorders in males can lead to serious complications, including hypogonadism — a result of low testosterone or hypergonadism — a result of high testosterone production, both can cause sexual dysfunction and infertility.
Gonadal disorders in females cause imbalances in estrogen and progesterone which can lead to menstrual disorders such as abnormally early or late onset of puberty, very light periods, very heavy periods and irregular or absent periods. They can also affect ovulation, including increasing the risk for ovarian cyst development, problems during pregnancy and the early onset of menopause.
How can Systematic Kinesiology help? Systematic Kinesiology sessions are tailor made to address your specific gonadal function by addressing your mental, chemical, physical and energetical health. Specific techniques are designed to boost your gonadal system. Having these glands balanced is extremely helpful when wanting to get pregnant.
There is a lot of nutrition that can help boost your gonads.
For women: Trace Minerals, Red Raspberry and Evening Primrose Oil.
For men: Saw Palmetto, Zinc, Capsicum Garlic and Parsley.
However, what might be good for someone else might not be right for you, but Systematic Kinesiology can use muscle testing to ask your body what you really need, which eliminates guess work. Saving you money and improving your life in the long run!
Book your Systematic Kinesiology treatment session here