What has the contraceptive pill done to my body? What can the contraceptive pill do to my body?
How to reverse the negative effects of the contraceptive pill...
Taking the pill changes the chemistry within the woman’s body. It uses up more nutrients and increase the need for others. If these imbalances are not addressed, it can lead to more serious illnesses later on.
Progesterone is known as the mother of all hormones, both oestrogen (which is made up of three kinds: esterdiol, estrone and estriol) and testosterone are made from it. Progesterone is not only a sex hormone, it is also intricately involved in maintaining many other vital physiological functions.
When a woman is pregnant, levels of oestrogen and progesterone rise and further egg production is stopped. The hormone levels continue to rise during pregnancy, signalling the brain to stop secreting its egg stimulating hormones. The contraceptive PILL hormones mimic this effect and continually dupe the brain into thinking that pregnancy has occurred, and so suppressing ovulation. The Pill literally stops menstruation. Bleeding only occurs each month because the synthetic hormones are not taken for seven days of the cycle. The bleeding that occurs would be more accurately termed “withdrawal bleeding,” not menstruation. The action of the Pill actually castrates a woman by stopping her natural reproductive cycle, sometimes permanently damaging her ovaries and even causing infertility.
We have long known that sex hormones can cause cancer in hormone-dependent tissue, like the breast. Women using the Pill between 49 and 96 months had a 43% risk of developing breast cancer, and women using it for more than 97 months had a 74% greater risk.
The breast tissue of teenage girls is still developing and is particularly sensitive to over stimulation from synthetic oestrogen, the earlier a woman uses the Pill, the greater risk of developing breast cancer and large tumours.
Synthetic progesterone (progestin) is a steroid hormone which, when taken orally, is between 500 to 1000 times more powerful than the natural progesterone produced by the body. Depo-Provera is an injectable form of synthetic progestin. Women who use progestin before the age of 25 increase their relative risk of breast cancer by 50%. For women using it for six or more years, the risk increases to 320%.
Women on HRT are more likely to develop melanomas. All women who have developed melanomas under the age of 40 have taken the Pill. The overall risk for Pill users is three times greater statistically.
Blood clots are still one of the most frequent and most dangerous side effects of the Pill. Blood clots can cause strokes, paralysis, heart attacks and severe abdominal pain.
Women using the Pill also have a greater risk of cervical cancer. There is also an undeniable link between Pill use and hysterectomy.
Pill users have 1.5 to 11 times higher risk of an embolism, 1 to 14 times higher risk of a heart attack, and 2 to 26 times more risk of a stroke due to either thrombosis in a brain artery or haemorrhage in the membranes around the brain.
While adverse events that originate below the waist, namely, deep vein blood clots, are coming under control, the same cannot be said for above the waist arterial complication, such as heart attacks and strokes. These risks remain elevated by about fourfold while a woman is on the Pill. The risks persist for seven years after the Pill is discontinued.
Birth control pill usually increase the level of copper in the body. It’s hard to take copper out of the body so zinc is needed to compensate. Other nutrients while can help reverse the negative effects of the contraceptive Pill are Vitamin B2, B6, C, E and Folic Acid.
Be careful what you put in your body. Although it you may find it useful at the immediate time, you may be unaware of the risks it poses in later life. This can be the same with food, drink and medication. If you were prescribed the Pill when you were younger, (some young women have even been prescribed the Pill for spots or acne), and you knew this information at the time, would you have taken it? You may still be taking the Pill, how do you feel about continuing to take it knowing this information?
Systematic Kinesiology is not going to help you not get pregnant, so it cannot be used as a form of contraception. More likely the opposite - by balancing you and your partners' hormones, stress levels, digestion and anything else relevant to your situation, you will become more fertile.
If you are worried about current side effects you are feeling because of the contraceptive Pill or you are worried about any future repercussions from previous use of the Pill, then Systematic Kinesiology can reverse these by balancing your body systems using emotional, nutritional, physical and electrical techniques. You can book a free no obligation telephone consultation, a Systematic Kinesiology appointment, or take the hormone balance programme.
You can also register for a free talk and demonstration on Monday 25th April at 6pm on Zoom.